Color Vowel® is widely known, used, and loved in the TESOL community thanks to the thousands of educators who have engaged with us during hundreds of hours of captivating professional development over the last two decades. We look forward to seeing you soon!
So. Much. Fun!
The Color Vowel® Conference
for English Language Educators
April 5-6, 2024 • Washington DC
Our Color Vowel Team at TESOL 2023 in Portland OR.
L to R: Jessalyn Epstein, Lynn Swanda, Shirley Thompson, Jennifer Campion, and Karen Taylor
Luana Kotobalavu (left) and Rosamaria Hurst (right) gave Karen (center) a jar of guava preserves straight form Hawaii. Mahalo!
Busiest booth at TESOL 2023!
Jennifer Campion (center) and Jessalyn Epsteign (right) answered hundreds of questions a day.
TESOL 2022, Pittsburgh PA.
Ginessa Payne, Sarah Emory, and Karen Taylor caught up on all things Color Vowel.
Michael Connors and Shirley Thompson, TESOL 2016 (Baltimore)
Our fabulous Color Vowel® team! TESOL 2018 (Chicago)
Liz Bigler, Laura McIndoo, Shirley Thompson and Karen Taylor at TESOL 2019 (Atlanta)
Past Conferences
The Color Vowel Conference for English Language Educators (CVCELE). Washington DC. April 5-6 2024.
Teach English Prosody with the Color Vowel Chart
Karen Taylor
IATEFL PronSign Conference (online). October 14, 2023.
Color Vowel® for TEFLpreneurs: Master the business of teaching spoken English.
Karen Taylor
TEFL Horizons Conference (online). October 6, 2023.
TESOL International Conference. Portland OR. March 23, 2023
Five powerful strategies for teaching the rhythm of English.
Karen Taylor
TESOL International Conference. Portland OR.
March 22, 2023
Blue Canoe: Pronunciation improvement in the palm of your hand!
Karen Taylor
TESOL International Conference. Portland OR. March 24, 2023
Discover powerful phonemic awareness with the Color Vowel® Chart
Karen Taylor & Randall Centeno
IV Congreso de la Enseñanza del Inglés, Región Huetar Norte, Costa Rica.
December 7, 2022
The Color Vowel Approach: A MUST for teflpreneurs!
Karen Taylor
TEFL Horizons Online Conference, September 18, 2022
Teach Phenomenally with Color Vowel®: in Person, Online, Everywhere!
Karen Taylor
TESOL International Conference. Pittsburgh PA. March 25, 2022
A smart, effective pronunciation app: Blue canoe with Color Vowel
Karen Taylor
TESOL International Conference. Pittsburgh PA. March 25, 2022
TESOL Virtual Convention, March 26, 2021
Teach the rhythm of English with Color Vowel
Karen Taylor
TESOL Virtual Convention, March 25, 2021
Sing, Chant, and Dance Your Way to Effective English Pronunciation
Rebecca Wilner
Panama TESOL Conference, Interamerican University, Panama City, Panama. September 21, 2018
Phonological awareness for educators: Sound practices for teaching English
Robin Barr, Karen Taylor & Shirley Thompson
TESOL International Convention, Pre-Convention Institute. Chicago IL. March 27, 2018
A Sound Approach to Spelling: Engage and Empower Your Learners
Laura McIndoo & Karen Taylor
TESOL International Convention, Pre-Convention Institute. Seattle WA. April 20, 2017
Phonological awareness: What your brain doesn’t want you to know
Robin Barr, Karen Taylor & Shirley Thompson
Plenary by Karen Taylor at the CATESOL Annual Conference. Pomona CA (5/3/17)
TESOL International Conference. Baltimore MD (3/7/16)
TESOL International Convention, Pre-Convention Institute. Toronto, Canada (3/26/15)
Colorado TESOL Conference. Denver CO (11/13/14)
California TESOL Conference. Santa Clara CA (10/25/14)
Washington Area TESOL Convention. Shady Grove MD (10/18/14)
Activities for Bypassing Brain Barriers in Adult Learners
Rebecca Wilner
WATESOL Fall Conference, Universities at Shady Grove, Rockville, MD. October 15, 2016
Teaching with the Color Vowel Chart
Rebecca Wilner
Christina School Disctrict in-service training for Bilingual Ed. teachers, Christina, DE. October 2, 2015
ICPNA (Bi-National Center) in-service training, Huancayo, Peru. April 26-29, 2016
Teaching with Brain-Based Activities
Rebecca Wilner
MAACCE 2016 Conference, Maritime Institute, Linthicum Heights, MD. May 3, 2016
Teaching with the Color Vowel Chart
Rebecca Wilner
Supporting literacy with the Color Vowel Chart
Karen Taylor
Workshop, New Mexico Coalition for Literacy Annual Meeting & Conference, Albuquerque NM. June 12, 2015
Integrating pronunciation across the Adult ESL curriculum
Karen Taylor
COABE Pre-Conference Session. Denver CO. April 22, 2015
Coloring pronunciation across the ESL/EFL curriculum
Karen Taylor & Shirley Thompson
California TESOL Conference. Santa Clara CA, 1.5-hour workshop (10/24/14)
Mountain Plains Adult Education Association Conference. Santa Fe NM, 3-hour workshop (5/28/14)
TESOL Pre-Convention Institute. Portland OR, 6-hour workshop (3/27/14)
Colorado TESOL Convention. Denver CO, 1.5 hour workshop (11/9/13)
New Mexico TESOL Conference. Albuquerque NM, 1.5 hour workshop (10/25/13)
Replacing ‘long’ and ‘short’ with the Color Vowel™ Chart
Karen Taylor & Shirley Thompson
Workshop, New Mexico Coalition for Literacy Annual Meeting & Conference (6/12/15)
TESOL International Conference. (3/27/15)
Phonological awareness for ESL/EFL educators: Sound practices
Robin Barr, Karen Taylor & Shirley Thompson
TESOL Pre-Convention Institute. Toronto, Canada. March 25, 2015.
Pronunciation: Include it in every class!
Shirley Thompson
MCAEL Instructor workshop. Rockville, MD. February 27, 2015.
Bridging the spelling-sound divide: Supporting literacy with The Color Vowel Chart
Karen Taylor
Talk delivered at the Santa Fe Women’s Club & Library Association, Santa Fe NM. September 15, 2014.
Teaching spoken English with the Color Vowel Chart
Karen Taylor & Shirley Thompson
U.S. State Department Webinar delivered to 1600 participants worldwide. September 25, 2013.
Reader’s Theater: The Nexus of Literature and Oral Fluency
Rebecca Wilner
Ministry of Education – 7th National English Congress, Panama City, Panama. May 29, 2013
University of Panama – Coclé – English Department, Penonomé, Panama. May 15, 2013
Speaking clearly: How to maximize students’ understanding of your own spoken English
Karen Taylor
Workshop for campus faculty at Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe NM.
February 14, 2013
Using Audio/Video Recording to Encourage Reflective Self-Assessment
Rebecca Wilner
Ministry of Education – 7th National English Congress, Panama City, Panama. May 28, 2013
Ministry of Education – East Panama Summer Workshop, Chepo, Panama. February 5, 2013
National Conference for Teachers of English (NCTE), San José, Costa Rica. January 23, 2013
Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, Panama City, Panama. January 21, 2013
Developing Oral Fluency Inside and Outside the Classroom
Rebecca Wilner
Panama TESOL Summer Institute, Panama City, Panama. January 15, 2013.
Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, Panama City, Panama. January 21, 2013
Peace Corps Panama TEFL In-Service Training, El Valle de Antón, Panama. September 5, 2013
Using Readers Theater in the English as a foreign language classroom
Karen Taylor
U.S. State Department Webinar delivered to 800 participants worldwide
November 14, 2012
Integrating Pronunciation Strategies into Lesson Activities
Rebecca Wilner
Ministry of Education (MEDUCA) Annual Conference, Panama City, Panama. June 4, 2012
Melo Group English Language Training, Panama City, Panama. June 19 and 20, 2012
Panama TESOL Professional Development Tour, David, Chiriquí, Panama. April 21, 2012
National Conference for Teachers of English (NCTE), San José, Costa Rica. January 26, 2012
Panama TESOL Summer Institute, Panama City, Panama. January 19, 2012
Access English Microscholarship Teacher Training, Panama City, Panama. January 17, 2012.
See what you hear with the Color Vowel Chart
Karen Taylor & Shirley Thompson
Georgia TESOL, Atlanta GA (10/26/2012)
Oregon TESOL, Portland OR (11/17/2012)
Colorado TESOL, Denver CO (11/13/2010)
New Mexico TESOL/ New Mexico Adult Education Conference, Los Lunes NM (11/6/2010)
Arizona TESOL Conference, Phoenix AZ (10/9/2010)
Teaching pronunciation for literacy and vocabulary development
Karen Taylor
New Mexico Higher Education Department Adult Basic Education Conference, Albuquerque NM (5/22/2012)
Teaching pronunciation, vocabulary, and more: A color-based approach
Karen Taylor
ESL workshop for Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe, Santa Fe NM (4/12/2012)
Teaching pronunciation: Focus on comprehensibility
Karen Taylor & Shirley Thompson
TESOL Pre-Convention Institute (6-hour workshop). Philadelphia PA (3/27/2012)
Teaching pronunciation: Vowel quality and suprasegmentals
Karen Taylor & Shirley Thompson
TESOL Pre-Convention Institute (6-hour workshop). New Orleans LA (3/15/2011)
Principles & techniques for the pronunciation classroom (6-hour workshop)
Brock Brady & Karen Taylor
American University TESOL Workshop, Washington DC. (Annually, 2003-2005, 2007, 2009)
Arlington Education Employment Program (REEP) Workshop, Arlington VA. (11/20/2004)
Start with speaking: Teaching pronunciation and oral communication
Karen Taylor
Foreign Service Institute, Overseas Briefing Center, Alexandria VA. (Twice annually, 2004-2009)
Start spinning webs for listening and pronunciation
Holly Gray & Karen Taylor
TESOL Pre-Convention Institute (4-hour workshop). Seattle WA, (3/20/2007)
Finding the right recipe for teaching pronunciation
Holly Gray & Karen Taylor
TESOL Pre-Convention Institute (4-hour workshop). Seattle WA, (3/20/2007)
To understand and be understood: A pronunciation workshop for ESOL teachers
Karen Taylor
Vienna Presbyterian Church, Vienna, VA. (3/14/2007)
Introduction to teaching English as a second or foreign language
Karen Taylor
Foreign Service Institute, Overseas Briefing Center, Alexandria VA. (Twice annually, 2000-2005)
NNES teachers become effective pronunciation teachers
Brock Brady, Karen Taylor, & MeYoung Kim
TESOL Pre-Convention Institute (4-hour workshop). Long Beach CA, (3/29/2004)
English pronunciation for improved communication
Karen Taylor
American University Law School, Washington DC. (Twice annually, 2003-2004)
Increase stress levels in your pronunciation class!
Karen Taylor & Shirley Thompson
International TESOL Convention, Baltimore MD (3/29/2003)
Teaching pronunciation with an eye on Multiple Intelligences
Holly Gray, Karen Taylor & Shirley Thompson
Washington Area TESOL Convention, Annandale VA (10/13/2001)
TESOL Convention (4-hour workshop), St. Louis MO (3/1/2001)