Teach English Phenomenally

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Color Vowel® bridges the gap between spoken and written English-- a gap too often ignored at the learner's expense. Get trained in the elegant simplicity of Color Vowel®. Your students will love you for it! 

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Color Vowel® works.

Color Vowel® is a comprehensive answer to how spoken English works and what we can do to teach reading, vocabulary, and pronunciation not just well, but phenomenally.


We organize spoken English.

The Color Vowel® Organizer is a daily-use tool that helps learners categorize and practice words and phrases by the way they sound.

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We build phonemic awareness.

The Color Vowel® Chart helps you and your learners identify how English sounds as they build speaking confidence.

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We take a brain-based approach.

Because spelling is not pronunciation, we teach spoken English through the use of gestures, images, and rhythm. 

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Level 1 starts with Color Vowel® Basics, a 6-hour self-paced video course. Many teachers complete the Basics within a three-week period. Purchase the Color Vowel® Basics

Our Level 1 Practicum is the next step. This is a live course that meets weekly via Zoom over a five-week period. Work closely with an expert instructors and receive high-quality feedback on video tasks from your Level 3 Certified Practicum Coach. A new L1 Practicum starts every month! 
Browse our Level 1 Practicum options.

Basics + Practicum = Color Vowel Level 1 Certification!  Have your name listed on our website, and display your Level 1 digital badge on your website, LinkedIn, and elsewhere. 

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Color Vowel® Trained Teachers

are revolutionizing English language education around the world.

Adkham Abduvakhidov
Global Education Sayram, Kazakhstan
Cristina Abell
San Diego College of Continuing Education, California
Rex Alexander
Accent Coach Online
Manar AlShams
Paper Airplanes, Syria
Natalya Alvarado
Eastern New Mexico University Roswell, New Mexico
Tamara Anatska
New Mexico State University, New Mexico
Lorien Angulo
Level 2 Core Trained
Kathy Appleton
Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church ESL Program, Maryland

Gemma is an EAP teacher and ELT programme co-ordinator at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. She’s also joint coordinator of IATEFL’s Pronunciation special interest group (PronSIG) and co-author of the book Teaching English Pronunciation for a Global World (2024). Her interests lie in the field of pronunciation pedagogy and accent and issues which arise when students and teachers of English are confronted with diverse varieties of English. Gemma is the creator of The Scottish Sound School, a resource to help new arrivals acclimate to the unfamiliar sounds of Scottish speech.

Gemma Archer
Level 3 Trainer
Robin holds a PhD and MA in Linguistics from Harvard and a BA in Linguistics from Yale. She teaches dyslexic adult learners at the Washington Literacy Center using the Color Vowel® Approach. As Lead Phonologist, Robin advises ELTS during design phases of the Chart and provides training around topics ranging from teaching pronunciation, phonological awareness training, and literacy.
Robin Barr
Master Trainer
Dyani Bartlett
Edmonds College, Washington State
Karin Bates
Intercambio Uniting Communities, Colorado
Vivian Bauer
Open Door Learning Center, Minnesota
Marilyn Beres
Beres Educational Services LLC, New Mexico
Laura Bergan
Level 2 Core Trained
Linda Bergvinsson
United States
Liz is the owner of Bigler English Coaching in the Atlanta metro area in Georgia.
Liz Bigler
Level 2 Core Trained
Melissa teaches English as a Second Language at the International High School at Langley Park, Maryland.
Melissa Bitter Lu
Level 2 Core Trained
Donna teaches English as a Second Language at La Fontaine Lang. Ctr. and the Latin American Association of Atlanta, Georgia.
Donna Blanton
Level 2 Core Trained
Cynthia Blood
Dallas International University, Texas
Eric Boden
Faith Academy, Iowa
Kristyl teaches for the Steamboat Springs School District in Colorado.
Kristyl Boies
Level 2 Core Trained
Georgian Borjas
Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Meredith Bowers
Owensboro Community and Technical College, Kentucky
Julie Bradley
Cedar Rapids Community School District, Iowa
Monica Braunstein
L.A. Unified School District, Div. of Adult and Career Ed., California
Deborah Breech
Accomack Co. Public Schools, Virginia
Annette Brown teaches English as a Second Language at Oklahoma City Community College in the U.S. 
Annette Brown
Level 2 Core Trained
Theresa Brunker
Central Wyoming College, Wyoming
Carly Bruntmyer
Casper College, Wyoming
Megan is an Education Specialist at Montgomery College in Maryland.
Megan Calvert
Level 2 Core Trained
Jennifer has been training for ELTS since 2019, but she has been using Color Vowel® in her ESOL classes since 2015. She has an MA TESOL from American University. She is now the Business Manager for ELTS.
Jennifer Campion
Master Trainer
Nicole Candiano
Edmonds College, Washington
Erin Cannon teaches English as a Second Language at VITA Lafayette in Louisiana.
Erin Cannon
Level 2 Core Trained
Ana Lucia teaches English as a Foreign Language for the Ministry of Public Education, Costa Rica.
Ana Lucía Cedeño Aguilera
Level 2 Core Trained
Suqiang teaches English as a Foreign Language at SALT Academy, China.
Suqiang Chang
Level 2 Core Trained
Lihua Chen
Zhuhai - Bryant University (China)
Chon Cheng
Keith Industries, Japan
Helen is an instructor in the English for Academic Progress program at Reading Area Community College, PA and specializes in promoting the Sounds of English for all learners.
Helen Clogston
Level 2 Core Trained
Selin Colak
Edmonds College, Washington State
Jennifer Covey
Willow Hills Baptist Church ESL Ministry, Arizona
Sandra de Smit
Schindler Academy, Spain
Anna teaches as a volunteer and online tutor.
Anna Dolina
Level 2 Core Trained
Azin Dorss
University of Virginia
Mahdi Duris
St Cloud State University, Minnesota
Marie Eagan
Old Dominion University, Virginia
Amy Enright
Blue Hills Adult Education, Massachusetts
Jessalyn Epstein
Plain Language, Oregon
Paula Eslava Lozzi
Zabia Evans
Old Dominion University, Virginia
Clara Evans
Santa Fe Community College
Olatoya Fabiyi
Toyita's Language Corner LLC, Florida
Paula Fahey
Community English Club, Florida
Daniel is an instructor for Gabby Academy.
Daniel Ferrante
Level 2 Core Trained
Amy Fingerhut
Washington Literacy Center, Washington, DC
Moriel Fishman
Left Way Learning, Israel
Magaly R. Flores T. Teixeira
M.R. Idiomas, Brazil
Cynthia Flynn
Fairfax Co. Public Schools Adult and Community Ed., Virginia
Anthony Fong
Gabby Academy, South Korea
Nancy Ford
Washington English Center
Myrtle Fourie
Beverly Froberg
George Mason University, Virginia
Debbie Garza teaches English as a Second Language at Kansas City Kansas Community College, Kansas.
Deborah Garza
Level 2 Core Trained
Jennifer Gates
Lane Community College, Oregon.
Gina Giamei
Center for English Language & Orientation Programs, Boston University, Massachusetts
Deborah Goldman
Intercambio Uniting Communities, Colorado
Skip has taught English for many years. At present he teaches in the public school system in Maryland.
Robert (Skip) Gole
Level 2 Core Trained
Katie Goodfellow
Paper Airplanes, Syria
Jennifer Gregg
Speakeasy Zarautz, Spain
Carl Gregory
Washington English Center, DC
Jenny Grimm
Online Tutor, Greece
Michelle Gross
Gross Learning, United States
Amy Haas
REEP-Arlington County, Virginia
Amy Hansen
Kansas Community College, Kansas
Mary Burch teaches for the Fed. Inst. of Rondonia & EducationUSA in Brazil.
Mary Burch Harmon
Level 2 Core Trained
Barbara Harrington
Des Moines Area Community College
Janice Harrison
Hebron Church International Learning Center, Georgia
Neil Hasegawa-Yates
EY Japan
Eda Hayal
Classroom 2 Community, Maryland
Kristie Lynn Hayes
Native English Institute, US
Adam Hembree
Old Dominion University, Virginia
Herick Herrera Hurta
Facultad de Administración, BUAP, Mexico
Yuki Hirayama
Carol Foley Hodges
Chesapeake Public Schools, Virginia
Katie Holtz
ESLKatie, Minnesota
Rebecca Horner
Solis-Cohen Elementary, School District of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sara Rose Hotaling
Old Dominion University, Virginia
Natsuko Iino
Kaori Ikuta
Kaori Ikuta English Coaching
Sue Isaac
Community English Club, Aloma Church, Florida
Filipe Itaborai
English with Milly & Filipe, Brazil
Aleksandra Ivanov
Caitlin James
Carlos Rosario Intern'l Public Charter School, Washington, DC
Jill Jarmon
Union Adult Learning Center, Oklahoma
Christine Jirathearanat
Columbus State Community College, Ohio
Margaret R. Jones
Lingo Practico, Colorado
Christine Kassover
Florida Atlantic University, Florida
Dawn teaches at Notre Dame of Maryland University, MD.
Dawn Katz
Level 2 Core Trained
Aviva is the Academic Director of the Intensive English Institute at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL
Aviva Katzenell
Level 2 Core Trained
William K. Keith Jr.
Keith Industries K.K., Japan
Jerome Kiley
Barriers to Bridges, U.S. & Ecuador
Ann Kumm teaches English as a Second Language at Old Dominion University, Virginia.
Ann Kumm
Level 2 Core Trained
Roland Kwan
EY Tax Japan
Tamyres Ladeia
Florida Atlantic University, Florida
Lisa is the Director of the Southern Cross Language Institute (New Zealand), a Licensed Partner of English Language Training Solutions.
Lisa Lamar
Level 2 Core Trained
Corey Tyler Larsen
Zhuhai - Bryant University, China
Sarah Lawrence
Edmonds College, Washington State
Claire Lee
University of Economics HCMC, Vietnam
Sophie is an instructor for Gabby Academy.
H. Sophie Lees
Level 2 Core Trained
June Moe Lim
Education First Japan
Youngah Lim
Canada Music Pedagogy, Korea
Gilson Hosana teaches English as a Foreign Language at Escola Estadual Betina Gomes, Brazil.
Gilson Lopes
Level 2 Core Trained
Crystal Louden
College of the Desert, California
Mindi Maline
George Mason University & NVCC, Virginia
Sarah Mannix teaches English as a Second Language at Old Dominion University. 
Sarah Mannix
Level 2 Core Trained
Raegan Marshall
Owensboro Community and Technical College, Kentucky
Bianca McCollum
Elevating English, Greece
Laura is an ESL instructor and recipient of the 2019 Distinguished Faculty Award at Central New Mexico Community College. After discovering the Color Vowel® Chart, Laura created Color it out! and also consults with the Education Team at Blue Canoe. Laura holds an MA TESOL from St. Michael's College.
Laura McIndoo
Master Trainer
Catherine McIntyre
English BCS, Texas
Hyacinth McQueen
Reedy Creek Magnet Middle School, North Carolina
Marcy Miller
Naperville Presbyterian Church ESL Program, Illinois
Laurie Mitchell
Water for Ishmael: The American School for Women, Ohio
Jean Moffat-Robbins
Imoni Molette
Bigler ESL, Georgia
Kanako Morita
Language Bird, California
Eleonora Morucci
Jean teaches for English at Large in Massachusetts.
Jean Mulroy
Level 2 Core Trained
Miwako Murakami
Pacific International Academy, Oregon
Suzanne Neuman
Level 2 Core Trained
Emma Nguyen
English with Emma, Vietnam
Suzanne is an instructor for Gabby Academy. She plans to continue her Color Vowel journey by becoming a Level 3 Trainer.
Suzanne Nicks
Level 3 Trainee
Carly Nixon
Colorado Mountain College, Colorado
Nancy Noll
Kentucky Adult Education
Janine O'Shea
ESL Pro Online, United States
Marissa Oda
Berlitz, Japan
Willa Ogata
Fairfax Co. Public Schools Adult and Community Ed., Virginia
Tamami Ogura
Chelsea lives in Michigan, but currently teaches Newcomer middle schoolers in the Marinette School District in Wisconsin. She is also a Virtual English Language Fellow with the U.S. State Department.
Chelsea Olsen Hurkmans
Level 2 Core Trained
Leah Onosato
Old Dominion University, Virginia
Susan Otero
Fairfax Co. Public Schools Adult and Community Ed., Virginia
Sam currently lives in the Philippines has taught English and trained teachers for many years.
Samantha Parkes
Level 2 Core Trained
Marie E. Parsons
Fairfax Co. Public Schools Adult and Community Ed., Virginia
Ginessa Payne
Texas A&M University. Texas
Abigail Pecore
Pacific International Academy, Oregon
Tiffany Perez Ferrando
Right English Course LLC, Spain
Jeanne Petrus-Rivera
United States
Wendell Phillips
Community English Club, Florida
Elaine Pierce
Washington English Center, DC
Michelle Pinto
Lisbon, Portugal
Dorly Piske
Level 2 Core Trained
Gabriela Claudia Properzi
Janet Pryor
Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church ESL Program, Maryland
Donna Purkey
Old Dominion University, Virginia
Guoxiong Qiu
Zhuhai - Bryant University, China
Zak Radd
Florida Atlantic University, Florida
Amina Rahman
Washington English Center and Ethiopian Community Development Council
Pavithra Rajesh
Fairfax Co. Public Schools Adult and Community Ed., Virginia
Martha is an academic consultant in Cundinamarca, Colombia.
Martha Ramirez
Level 2 Core Trained
Naly Ramirez Aponte
New Mexico Higher Education Department
Laura Ramm
Michigan State University, Michigan
Laura Ray
Old Dominion University, Virginia
Beatrice Michaela Rehm
Berlitz, Brazil
Rose Guerline Rene
Ontario, Canada
Nancy teaches Spanish-speaking adult learners at English Poco a Poco, TX
Nancy Reynolds
Level 2 Core Trained
Susan teaches at both Oklahoma City Community College and Language Learning Fellowship in Oklahoma.
Susan Reynolds
Level 3 Trainer
Keenyn is the owner of Clear English Corner and lead trainer of Clear English Academy.
Keenyn Rhodes
Level 2 Core Trained
Renée Robbins
Old Dominion University, Virginia
Catherine Robbins
Marigan Robertson
Gabby Academy
Veronica Romero-Romo
Pueblo City Schools District 60, Colorado
Amanda Ross
EnglishBCS, Texas
Kathleen Rossell
INTO Mason - George Mason University, Virginia
Nancy Rupper
Level 2 Core Trained
Nesrine Sadi
Vanessa teaches at Prairie High School in Southwest Washington State which serves over 130 teenage multi-lingual students. They work with both newcomers from around the world as well as long-term multilingual learners who were either born in or came to the U.S. as young children. 
Vanessa Sager
Level 2 Core Trained
Dawn Saint
Northeast Alabama Adult Education
Laurie Scheible
Fairfax Co. Public Schools Adult and Community Ed., Virginia
Karen is the founder of Well Said Coaching in the San Francisco Bay Area. She teaches English pronunciation and workplace communication
Karen Schiff
Level 2 Core Trained
Jennifer Schimmelpfennig
Pronounce Plus, Utah
Claire Schneider teaches English as a Second Language through her school, Language Matters, in New Mexico.
Claire Schneider
Level 2 Core Trained
Wendy Schwartz
Oakland University, Michigan
Julie Scott
North Carolina
Deborah Secrist
Fairfax Co. Public Schools Adult and Community Ed., Virginia
Tania Semeniuk
Windows on America, Ukraine
Patricia Shannon
Intercambio Uniting Communities, Colorado
Mark W. Sherman
Mentora College, DC
Rebecca Sherry
Central New Mexico Community College, New Mexico
Minoo Short
Anglo-Link Languages, United Kingdom
Paul Shumaker
American University, DC
Richard Silberg
English Language Programs, U.S. Dept. of State, Timor-Leste
Irina Simonovich
ESL Tutor, Canada
Rosemarie Smith
Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Stephanie Smith
Worcester Co. Public Schools, Maryland
Jill Smudski
Rockville Senior Center, Maryland
Anne Span
Mukhanyo Theological College, South Africa
Elizabeth Speck
Cochise Community College, Arizona
Sarah Springsteen Trumble
Speaking Success System, California
Rob Staton
Zhuhai - Bryant University, China
Leslie Stephenson
Curious Cat English, United States
Pamela Stewart
Henry Ford College, Michigan
Naila Stocks
Fairfax County Public Schools ACE, Virginia
Julie Stoessel
Lynn has extensive experience teaching English to non-native speakers of all ages and levels for over 25 years. She has a M.Ed. in ESL and has lived and worked overseas in Belgium, Germany, Thailand, and South Korea for the majority of her teaching career where she taught in both local and international schools, as well as managed ESL departments. Currently, she resides in Oklahoma City.  Lynn does Color Vowel® Level 1 training and teaches Speak Confidently! for English Language Training Solutions.
M. Lynn Swanda
Level 3 Trainer
Tanya Tandias
Wisconsin ESL Institute
Karen is the Director of English Language Training Solutions and co-creator of the Color Vowel® Chart. She has been developing the Color Vowel® Approach since 1999.
Karen Taylor
Master Trainer
Norma Thayne Perez
Doña Ana Community College
Shirley is co-author of the Color Vowel® Chart and Executive Advisor to ELTS. Shirley holds a MA in Linguistics from the University of Michigan. She began her teaching career as a Peace Corps volunteer in West Africa, serving in Benin and Togo. Shirley taught for 25 years at the George Washington University.
Shirley Thompson
Master Trainer
Gabby lives and works in Tennessee.
Gabriela Tinoco Sanchez
Level 2 Core Trained
Tanya Tomshyna
QSI, Belarus
Denitsa Torlakova-Lineva
Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Carol Tripp
Lexington 2 Adult Education, South Carolina
Anthony Tyrrell
Oklahoma City Community College, Oklahoma
Marbella Valenzuela
Melinda Vander Ploeg Fallon
Fairfax Co. Public Schools Adult and Community Ed., Virginia
Keri is a Speech Language Pathologist living in Canada.
Keri Vandongen
Level 2 Core Trained
Laura Varga
Soka University of America, California
Michelle teaches English as a Second Language at Divine Word College, Iowa.
Michelle Vargo
Level 2 Core Trained
Kelly Varguez
My Interpreting Coach
Natalya Vasylyeva Alramaideen
Central New Mexico Community College, New Mexico
Adriana Vaughn
Houston Community College
Kevin Verschelden
Missouri, USA
Faviola Villa
Daphne Visscher
Blue Canoe Learning
Ruth Voetmann
Edmonds College, Washington
Christina Wade
Cleveland Guardians - Lynchburg Hillcats
Alyshia lives in Vancouver, British Columbia and is the Director of Coaching and Curriculum Development at Gabby Academy--one of ELTS' Licensed Partners.
Alyshia Wagstaff
Level 3 Trainee
Robin Wake
Edmund Rice Centre of Western Australia
Lara Wallace
Betty Wang
SGS-CSTC Standards Tech. Services Co., Ltd, Qingdao, China
Shin Watanabe
Reitaku University, Japan
Carol Weidner
Savannah College of Art and Design, Georgia
Amy Wetterau Zhupikov
Central New Mexico Community College, New Mexico
Jacqui teaches at Lane Community College in Oregon.
Jacqueline Whisler
Level 2 Core Trained
David Williams
Central New Mexico Community College, New Mexico
Rebecca Wilner currently teaches Middle School English language learners in DC Public Schools. She was the Panama Bilingüe Program Coordinator at American University, where she is also an adjunct instructor. Rebecca has almost twenty years of teaching experience in the US and abroad and has been using Color Vowel with students and teachers for about 10 years.
Rebecca Wilner
Master Trainer
Ayako is the owner and lead English coach of A+coaching, Japan.
Ayako Yamaguchi Lenz
Level 2 Core Trained
Tomoe Yorozu
Nao lives near Tokyo, Japan and teaches for Gabby Academy.
Nao Yuhki
Level 3 Trainer
Alejandra teaches EFL in Agustin Melgar, Cholul, Mexico.
Alejandra Zambrano Arjona
Level 2 Core Trained

Note: In observance of individual privacy preferences, not all Color Vowel® trained instructors appear on our website. Teachers, if you wish to add or make a change to your profile, please contact us.

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Color Vowel® combines theory with practice.

Rigorous yet practical. Simple yet deep. 
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Looking for professional development for yourself or your school/organization? 
Contact Jennifer Campion at jennifer@ColorVowel.com for scheduling and quotes.


I can't thank you enough for an amazing experience at Color Vowel Basics. [It gave me] the strategy and structure I was looking for on behalf of my students. The work you have done is truly remarkable. It's true that simplicity lies at the far side of complexity.

Amy Reavey
Literacy Tutor (New Jersey)

I am completely in awe of this teaching tool and the techniques that have been presented. I thought the R-controlled vowel explanations were brilliant. I plan to go all the way through Level 3 in the training.

Nancy Reynolds
ESL Teacher (Texas)

I love using the Color Vowel® Approach because it works! Students tell me how helpful it has been not only for pronunciation but also for spelling, specifically for students for whom the Roman alphabet is new. I am so thankful to have this resource!

Vanessa Sager
ESL Teacher (Washington)

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